Wentian Yang, MD, PhD
Dr. Yang received his new R21 grant from NIAMS to study the translational potential of SHP2D26, the first proteolysis-targeting chimera (ROTAC) for the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2, in articular cartilage anti-degeneration and regeneration. Dr. Yang received his R56 grant from NIDDK to study the role of OSTERIX in the regulation of hematopoiesis. He was inducted as a Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research (FIOR) by the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) at the ICORS meeting in 2022 at Edinburgh. His group published an invited review article in Nature Bone Research, titled "Protein tyrosine phosphatases in skeletal development and diseases" Nature Bone Res. 2022 January 28;10(1):10. Dr. Yang completed his service as a standing member of the SBSR study section for the third year.