We encourage all medical students at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University to consider Orthopedics as a career choice! There are a variety of ways to learn more about opportunities for Brown University's medical students.
MS1 and MS2 students are encouraged to enroll in the Introduction to Surgery Subspecialties. When enrolling, be sure to mention your interest in Orthopedic Surgery and the elective coordinators will try their best to pair you with someone in our department. Students in this elective spend time in the operating room, emergency department, and see patients in the office setting. Visit the Pre-Clerkship Electives page and review course BIOL-6509 (Introduction to Subsurgical Specialties) for more information.
Recently, we created a shadowing opportunity to learn more about orthopedics at Brown. Students will be paired with residents who take call at RIH. You'll be valuable help and will learn how to put on splints, reduce fractures, aspirate joints, etc. Follow the link below to sign up.
MS3 students can enroll in a 2-week or a 4-week experience with the Department of Orthopedics as an Independent Study Course (application form). This would have to be scheduled during the 4 week elective time MS3's have during the year. This is a great way for MS3s to learn more about the field of orthopedics and establish connections with faculty mentors well ahead of applying for residency programs as an MS4. Given this is a very customizable rotation -- please contact Dr. Stephen Marcaccio in order to get assigned to a faculty member.
MS3 and MS4 students can enroll in the Advanced Clinical Mentorship (ACM) in Orthopedics and spend 1/2 day every week for 12 weeks with a faculty mentor in the Department of Orthopedics. This is great way to spend some longitudinal time with the faculty mentor and see patients in the clinic and also participate in surgical procedures in the OR. For MS3 students, you will have to fill out an "Exception form" to be enrolled into this course as it is designed for MS4 students. We highly encourage MS3 students to take part in this mentorship as it provides a great way to get involved with and exposed to our Department and Orthopedics early on. If you need help finding a clinical mentor for the ACM, please contact Dr. Stephen Marcaccio.
Learn more about the Advanced Clinical Mentorship
MS4 students are strongly encouraged to enroll in a sub-internship with the Department. "The rotation is structured to provide exposure to a variety of different Divisions of Orthopedics (Pediatric Orthopedics, Hand Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma, Adult Joint Reconstruction), many different faculty members and residents. This rotation is ideal for students who are interested in pursuing a residency in orthopedics. For students who have decided to pursue a career in orthopedics, it is ideal to enroll in this rotation at the end of your MS3 year or the beginning of your MS4 year. This will give you the "sub-internship" experience in the relaxed atmosphere of your home program and prepare you for any "away rotation" you may be pursuing.